Our Diocese
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Greensburg calls together the faithful in four southwestern Pennsylvania counties – Armstrong, Fayette, Indiana and Westmoreland – under the leadership of the diocesan bishop, a successor of the Apostles, and in communion with the Holy Father, the bishop of Rome. The Catholics of this diocese, priests, deacons, religious and laity, work together to live out their baptismal call to proclaim, in word and action, the Gospel of Jesus, handed down to us through Scripture, tradition and the magisterium of the church. Our diocesan mission is continually realized by proclaiming God’s word; celebrating the sacraments, especially the Eucharist; forming communities of faith; and building a just and compassionate society in this world so that we may be fulfilled human beings on this earth, and so that we may all share God’s salvation in his kingdom.
Our Region V
St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish
Church of the Good Shepard Parish
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish
Church of the Resurrection Parish
Church of the Resurrection Parish
Church of the Resurrection Parish
Church of the Resurrection Parish
Church of the Resurrection Parish
Holy Family Parish
SS. Simon & Jude Parish
St. Ambrose Parish
St. Matthew Parish
St. Sylvester Parish