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Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

The learning/discovery space for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is called the atrium, a latin word meaning “an open central court.” The atrium is a place for the proclamation of and responses to the word of God.  It is a place to continue the relationship the child already innately has with God; the meeting ground where the mystery of God meets the mystery of the child.​

This methodology is steeped deeply in Scripture and liturgy. As the child uses materials designed to aid their continued meditation, the true teacher, the Holy Spirit, furthers their relationship. 

What is he calling us to do with these materials? Receive the gifts from him; open them up and enjoy them; and offer a journey of discovery. 

Practical life is just as important to this methodology, as it gives opportunity for prayer and contemplation. It is the enjoyment of the gift of the work that allows for integration of body, mind and soul.

Applying Montessori methods, children and catechist meet once a week in a specially prepared environment called the atrium where they listen, reflect and pray in harmony with the natural slow rhythm of the child.

More information about the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd​

Pay for Registration  

Get Involved
Catechists and as​sistants are needed, specilized training is required.

We are also looking for parishioners with woodworking, painting, sculpting, and sewing skills to make hands-on materials for the children to use in their work.

Please contact Mary Beth Palko, Director for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.​

Level I – Three to Six-Year-Olds

Level II – Six to Nine-Year-Olds

Level III – Nine to Twelve-Year-Olds