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There are various ways parishioners can become involved in the life of their parish community. Liturgical and musical ministries are two examples of ways individuals can dedicate their time and talents to the celebration of Masses and special services. Parishioners can also take part in so​cial or serv​i​ce ministries.

Parishioners who are interested in volunteering in our ministries please call Cindy Schillinger at 724-463-2277, ext. 113.

A Prayer for Parish Ministry
Lord God, as we commit to serve you and your people through liturgical, campus and pastoral ministries, may you help us choose wisely, and fulfill our commitment with solemnity and joy. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen.​

Download the the current Ministry Schedule.

Liturgical Ministry

St. Thomas More University Parish encourages all of its parishioners to be active members of our church. Please consider donating your time to one of the liturgical ministries listed below.  All required PA and diocesan clearances must be obtained.​

To sign up for one of these ministries, please complete and return the Ministry Registration Form to the parish office at ​724-463-2277.

Altar Server
Ministers assisting at Mass are enrolled in at least second grade and have received their First Holy Communion; however high schoolers, IUP students, and adults of all ages are encouraged to become altar servers. Training is mandatory.
​Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion
These ministers assist the priest by distributing the Eucharist at Mass.​ They also assist in distributing Holy Communion to those who are sick, homebound, or in nursing homes.  Training and Commissioning is mandatory.
A minister of hospitality who welcomes people at the door, distributes worship aids, helps with Communion procession and offers assistance to visitors.​ Training is mandatory.
Reader Readers should posses a love of Scripture, and the ability to proclaim the word of God to the assembly through prayer and practice. Training is mandatory.
Ushers are ministers of hospitality, greeting and assisting people as needed.  They also coordinate the offertory; assist in the flow of processional movement; and prepare the pews and church space for the next Mass. Training is mandatory.
​​Weekday Mass Ministry 
​​Ministers are needed as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, readers, sacristans and servers for the weekday Masses. ​​​

​Music Ministry

St. Thomas University Parish encourages its parishioners to participate in our music ministry. Please note that anyone is welcome to join our choir. To register for one of our music ministries, please complete the Ministry Registration Form and return it to the ​parish office at ​724-463-2277.

As leaders of sung prayer, cantors should be able to read music, have a pleasant singing voice and a welcoming attitude. Training provided by the director of liturgy and music.
​Choir (Weekly)
The choir rehearses during the academic year on Wednesdays from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. and provides music for the weekend Masses and Holy Days. No auditions or prior experience required.​
​Festival Choir
The festival choir sings for Midnight Mass, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. No auditions required.
​We are always looking for musicians who are willing to share their talents, either weekly, or on an occasional basis. A level of proficiency is required.

Social Ministry

​St. Thomas More University Parish encourages all of its parishioners to be active members of our church. Please consider donating your time to one of the social ministries listed below. To sign up for one of these ministries, please complete and return the Minist​ry Registration Form to the parish office at ​724-463-2277.

​Emergency Food Assistance
Team members assist in collection, and distribution of non-perishable food items.
From Our House to Yours
This involves cooking and delivering meals for new moms and dads, as well as other forms of service to anyone recently released from the hospital, or recovering from an accident/illness who may be in need of assistance.
​Prayer Chain
Members of this group are contacted by phone and email to offer special prayers for specific needs.
​Prayer Shawl
Knitting and crochet students of any age are invited to join this ministry to combine caring for others, and a love for, or desire to, learn the craft. This is a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort, and solace, and to those celebrating joyous occasions. Small groups, families or individuals make prayer shawls, and pray for the recipients, while offering each other prayer and support. Prayer Shawl Ministry meets at 2:00 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of the month from September through May.

Service Ministry

St. Thomas More University encourages its parishioners to donate their time in any fashion they deem suitable. Helping hands ministries are an opportunity for our parishioners to help with the general up keep of the church. Ranging from gardening and painting, to cooking and clerical work, these ministries should be considered by anyone who feels a calling to express their talents.

To sign up for one of these ministries, please fill out and return the Ministry Registration Form to the parish office at ​724-463-2277​.

​Art and environment
We are always looking for volunteers to help maintain and enhance our worship space for liturgical seasons and feasts. They work in conjunction with the director of liturgy to ensure that the plants, decorations, and furnishings of the church are appropriate and tasteful.
​Bakers and cooks
Bakers and cooks needed for parish events and receptions. All ages welcome to participate!
Bulletin inserts
Periodic help is needed to stuff parish bulletins with special flyers (usually on Thursdays or Fridays).
Clerical and office help
Assistance needed in the parish office with bulk mailings and other office tasks. 
Gardening and grounds
Help with the upkeep of the church grounds and flower gardens.
​Linen Ministry
These ministers launder, press and prepare the altar linens, towels, etc.
Painting and sculpting
Small wooden articles and figures for Good Shepherd Catechesis materials.
Set-up, serve, clean-up for events
All ages welcome to assist at various parish events.
​Woodworking and refinishing
Various parish projects throughout the year, as well as specific needs for Good Shepherd Catechesis materials. Experience needed.